Monday, 2 November 2009

whats growing up? OPEN MY EYES :)

i learnt and realize so much as time pass
i love you girls SO much, thanks for taking it all and still standing by me. youve proven worthy ;)
jk, ps:im sorrryyy for past hurts. oh and you guys rock my flops!

love alwyas,

Saturday, 17 October 2009


Hi peeps!
I'm now in the library, and i have ANOTHER mid term in like 45 minutes.
Doing my last review. The workload has been CRAZYYYYYYYYYYY!
I miss you shitssss and I'll post something longer soon because I have to continue studying!
I hope all is well with EVERYONE.


Tuesday, 29 September 2009

you were born in the zoo

lets sing for david the worm! happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to david happy birthday to you.

yeahh chelle, i had a caR accident, i langgared a car in the rain SNIIIFFF :( HUGS

should renaldo go to guangzhou this november? he's got a race there... hmmmmmmm i wanna gooooo tooooooo

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Dave's update

Hey guys long time no see or talk..
yea i guess everyone been busy huh?
anyway, as you can see i added the chat box so we can chat a little easier
make good use of it..details on the chatbox account is in this blogs email
got it from cbox website.

Oh check out my assignment videos i did last sem..
hope you guys like it.

well Spring is coming... and its getting warmer
its nice to have a change of weather..
OK i have few questions for you guys! ahah

1. Have you gain weight? haha
2. Meet anyone special? (for the single)
3. Are you guys coming back in December?
4. Any interesting Stories lately? (example: my housemate has pet snakes)
5. What aspect of you do you think you have change?

Try to answer them!
OK time for my lunch!

Friday, 4 September 2009

steph' to KAT and others

hi babe sorry i went off on skype this afternoon! hope you got the files i was sending!
yeahhh im great! of course im good :)
no dwelling in self pity or sadness duhhh
all's good.
oh except for the fact that i put on like a hundred kilos . these steroids are pissing me offff! im not takign them anymore evr again. i'll deal with it old skool! and im watching my diet now. hope to lose by this year end, going to ningaloo reeeff yay :)
babe you and jovy taking mass comm right? whatre you guys majoring in?

no ms yap :( she's gone to further her studies.

misss YOU CHELLE, spoke to your baby this afternnon. was telling him how grown up i am! hah. jk ;) just some talks bout my life now and change.

goodnight all!

Updated by Kathryn

Sure you're okay? =( *huggies* Good thing Renaldo's there. Good boy.
*mwwwahhhh* Get well soon sweetie.

Awww, that's awesome KJ! Hahaha, Neoh challenged you to eat bitter gourd? Cheh, what challenge! Hahaha, reclined all the way to LA huh. What an improvement from the last time =)
Glad that you enjoyed youself back home!


BAB! Where chu? =( Oh oh, tell em more about the RA course/program thingy! =)

As for the stick and I, we've been bogged down with work work and more work. Bleh. Just finished most of the load today. Amongst other things, we're working with alot of camera and video equipment this semester. Doing interviews and media releases and all that =)

On another note, I shall be flying down to see my love in exactly 3 WEEKS!!! Can't wait can't wait! Hehe, we have a 1 week break, so I'll be in Canberra and then in Sydney for awhile. Jovy will be here cause he's got his footy and ASEAN Games..anddddd...*wink wink*

OHOHOHOH!!!!!! I've bought myself a house here! (I mean, technically, my dad bought it but it's in my name!!) Will post up pics and all when I've got the time =) It's lovely!

Missing all of you loads!
Sigh, all our char siew fan lunches, guitar hero/halo sessions....=(

Ken Jon is back in the US of A

Hey you all, hope you guys are doing alright...

I reach Hiram on tuesday morning my time after a long flight from KL.. haha.

I think I'll take this time to tell you about my journey...

I was suppose to leave at 940AM on the 31st of August 2009... However, at 6 in the morning that day, something unforseen happened..

As I awoke from my slumber into the real world, a distant ringing sound was heard, it was my phone....

Who would call me at this ungodly hour? Low and behold, it was Malaysian Airlines itself..

Apparently the aircraft I was suppose to take had some technical issues, hence they had to find another aircraft to replace the current faulty one, this caused a delay in my flight..

Hence, my journey was delayed by a good 5 hours.....

Now, one would usually frown at a delayed flight, but not me... My heart was filled with gladness as I heard those words, words which enabled me to sleep for an extra 3 hours, words which granted me brunch with my family and my girlfriend at a oh so tasty Yong Tau Foo shop in ampang where Neoh once challenged me to eat Bittergourd...

Oh the joy.... =).

But nothing last forever.. Ken Jon still has to leave...

After saying my goodbyes to the family and the girl of my life, I proceeded to the gate with a stream of tears slowly pushing their way out of my eye into the sight of the people around me,
I wasn't sad, I was... well.. comforted. I knew that things would be much better this time. =)

Well, this has been a long post, so I'll end here...

I got a sit in front of the emergency row.. with no one behind me, I reclined all the way to LA.. hahahahaha. =) =) ... =P =p

The End

Sunday, 30 August 2009

steffie's update

hi everyone, how are all of you doing?hope you guys are well and happy, update ok!
busy busy busy people

i just got outta dsh, damansara specialist hospital yesterday. was in ward for two nights. the last nigth was when bridgey left to US :(
incase you guys are wondering why i was admitted, dont worry im fine and so much better now! would not like to speak bout it, i believe im all well now :)
the experience in the hospital was quite a good one! lol i knwo this sounds funny. but yea it wasnt bad, and the result was good. so it's all good.
renaldo stayed with me that two nights :)

anyway back to college now, i think im only transfering in summer.with my condition right now my parents would not like me to go abroad. so im prolly only going later :( till im much better and do not have to go to the hospital/doctor every month.!

its MERDEKA eve tonigth. prolly going to kl tower for some socialising. i, us me and renaldo have so many new acquaintance .really cool ppl, but i never get close with anyone new, i miss my real friends!
gonna eat a choc cake now

ps: i dont have fb at the moment. dont woryr i'll get one soon, to keep in touch with you people ;especially bridget! ;)


Monday, 10 August 2009

the hottest Malaysian:)

Its the hottest Malaysian blogging again!
Well, I'm actually bloody scared about going back! I'm leaving in less than 3 weeks.
August 27th to be exact.
I've been spending alot of time with my family and spending most of my time bumming at home!:)
Its really tough everytime I adapt to something, it has to change and I have to readapt.
Going back this time will be like a fresh start. I'm moving to an apartment with two friends, off campus. Some people I really bonded with last semester are not gonna be there anymore.
So ya, I have this whole mixed feelings thingy going on at the moment!
I haven't really been craving for like "Malaysian" food. haha, I just eat whatever my mum buys most of the time or whatever is convinient. lol . yes kat, Slap me! :)
How are the rest of you? I hope all of you are doing fine! Update me alright?
I miss all of you loads.

love love love,

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

AH chai is back...

Alright, it's about time I start blogging here again.. erm..

Nothing much for the past few days, been kinda swarmed with work for the past 2 weeks or so.

Penang was quite awesome =), except that I got food poisoning from the stupid expensive sister's char kuay teow... aisheh.. but overall, I like Penang. Bukit Bendera is great!! SUPER COOLING.... You honestly doubt whether you're really in Penang.

They actually have a post office on top of BUkit Bendera.... lol>>>

I'll be leaving to go back to US on the 31st of August, talk about being patriotic.. hahaha. Well, reaching Hiram maybe on the 1st of September... Really looking forward to going back actually, there's abit of excitement. hahahaha.

OH OH! We're getting a new dining hall next semester in HIRAM... WOOHOO! and a new PIZZA place is opening up!! sweet!!!. Besides that, there are two Malaysians joining Hiram next sem!!! Weee!!!!.... More Malaysians!!!!

I guess that's it for now...

AH ma, you take care too =). Have a good second semester!!. Just about 4 months before you come back to Malaysia!!. Hang in there!!

BY : Ken Jon

Wednesday, 29 July 2009


Just a short note to say that I miss all of you.

Michelle, Steffie, Bridgey, Aida, KJ, Jon, David, Neoh...wherever you guys are *hugs tightly*.

Have a great weekend my dears!

Much love.

Notice that my housemate was omitted from the list. Muahahahaha.

Monday, 27 July 2009

And so it begins..

Hey guys!
Oh gosh, it's been ages!
Ah Chai!! Penang?! That's awesome! Gargh..foooooooooooooooooooooooooddd =(((((( And Bali too!! Tell your mother alllllllllllllllllllllllllll about it! =) Hope you got a tan!

Steffie, how's everything coming along sweetie? Visa okay? When are you leaving?? Update! Remember, don't stress k? You have your baby to help! And Brid....wait, maybe you should start stressing. Haha.. *hugs*

Bridgey, what have you been up to la? All I see are clubbing pics! Anything of substance?? Like EATING?!!! UPDATE US WOMAN! Oh, and when are you heading back?

BAB! So so sorry about Sat night. Was already asleep. Guess why!!!! =)))))))))))))

Hahahah, I was in Canberra visiting Aaron! It was a totally spontaneous trip and he convinced me. Was glad that I went, he fell sick like the day after..was quite bad so I helped nursed him back to health =) I was already asleep by the time you fb-ed me the time then cause I had to catch my morning flight back to Brisbane the day after. Sorry I missed the Skype session bab *hugs* We must do it soon! I'm free this week, since it's the first week of our 2nd semester. Girls!! We need to have a good loooong session. Clothes, boys and all that girlie stuff =)

Oh! And Sydney was awesome! Haha..

Much love for everyone wherever you may be *hugs*

Wednesday, 8 July 2009


Will be heading to Penang next week with Wy Lyn and a couple of my high school friends.. Gonna enjoy the nice food there...

I'm sure it's definitely gonna bring back memories of our time in penang... Hope to see you guys soon!

apa khabar from Malaysia.

Hey peeps!
Bridgey here!
Its really kinda lonely without you people here! Summer break seems quiet!
Well, I've been bumming and just going out occasionally!
When are we meeting again?:(
Lets plan a trip or something in the near future!
By the way jovy, watch "skins"! its awesome! I think u'll like it better than gossip girl! I did:)

Lots and lots of love,

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

It is my turn...

Well kat left with her famil to sydney for couple of days...
thought i would be lonely... with her away and everyone else back in malaysia...
i planned to go to the gym etc etc...


some peeps in my football team are musicians !!! :D
gonna be performing at the MASCA event and taking part in a gig/competition soon too...
(audience might reach a thousand)
@#$%holyomgwtfroargrrbleah... EXCITED LA !!!

Gossip girl... lol... been watcing... =.=
Jovy... partially living his dream of being a rock and rolla...

Friday, 26 June 2009


it is a clear picture of copper!

just click on the picture! then you'll see it BIG



Thursday, 25 June 2009

the Yellow car

I saw the Yellow car Today.... The Yellow Yellow car with the number plate WQK 2717....

When will I see the driver?

Monday, 22 June 2009

Copper =)

This post is dedicated to copper, our new member in the family and stephy! Good job stephy for fostering! wooohooo.. i am so proud of you! really really am... Copper is cute! but pls get a better picture! cant really see it! I miss puppies.. gosh you have no idea! but i might be getting turtles though!! two baby turtles xD hahaha.. Those are allowed in the dorms! I was thinking about volunteering at the shelter homes again but finding time and traveling there is going to be difficult.. oh well..
Hope everything is well with everyone back home and down under!
Much love,

Wednesday, 17 June 2009


hi guys

meet copper... oh no i dunno why its not rotated. i rotate it./.... nvm. can u see him? he;s quite small huh.. same color as my skin! camouflage...
you people can you please stop complainign bout how hot the weather here is. you guys ah. go there for a few months only, forgot u been living in malaysia for 20 years? hahhahaha....
anyway since bri wants steamboat. and i dont mind, we'll plan a steamboat at yuan(the place we wanted to go before we left but x jadi)
i will text you guys who are here. prolly next week
till then enjoy malaysia the land of the scorching sun !

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

KJ update

So I'm sitting at Jon's computer right now typing this, and he's sleeping in his bed next to me.. ahaha

We're suppose to go to the gym at 10, it's 953 He doesn't know I'm typing this, I guess I'll be his updater for now? WHatever man... haha

I'm went to Bangkok last week for three days with my family, and this weekend I'm heading off to Bali with my church members, should be fun.

Malaysian Weather is super duper, It's so unbearable somedays...

Jovy and Kat, Stay Warm... drink some chicken essence or something.. haha.

and Jovy, if you do push Kat down, take a picture ... hahaha..

Likewise Mom, if Jovy does something totally hilarious like crapped in his own pants, take a picture hehehe...

Ciaoz. =)

From Ken Jon

Sunday, 14 June 2009

jovy are you the crazy person below who fantasize of abusing babies?

you wont get jovy roll if you dont behave. eg. push kat down the field, use babies as mops etc...
in other words you wont get to rule the world

YEOW wen goodluck for your finals.then we'll travel aussie togetehr and visit those two lovely monkeyss at brisbane.

PS: renaldo tore his hamstring at a race yesterday. it was agonizing for me to watch! he went to the doc today. he's tempang now. can barely walk. even when he walks, he walks slower than a 60 year old man! its funny. but he'll be fine. *fingers crossed* we hope he gets better by time we go to aussie.

Jovy's itsy witsy tiny little confession...

I haven't trip/push Kat down a field yet... :(... neither have a club her on the head... sucks

Thursday, 11 June 2009

summer break:)

hey dudes and dudettes!
I'm back in Malaysia, as you all
The weather here is awful! reallly awful!
I've lived here for 19 years and never realized it was this bad,my skin was acting weird and all!:(

Well, this is my only summer home, after that I won't be coming back till I graduate(at least), because the next summers will be for internships and all!

How's everyone doing?
Update me!
I love you guys:)


Monday, 8 June 2009

What to do with babies...

Here I am after such a long time... Sorry for my absence...
been promoting my new line of ideas with babies... so here it goes...

1. Car jack
2. Leg rest
3. Punching bag
4. A pendulum
5. Cup holder
6. Bottle opener
7. Cheap labour
8. Grenade
9. Flower pot
10. Toilet plunger

Or you can...

Rob a bank with it... throw it at the entrance and it draws attention... the more, the better...
Tie it to the end of a stick and its a mop
Get a clan... and tons of those hamster wheel things... and you get electricity
Get two or more and you get a im-not-sure (the thing where there are a few balls and it knocks one another)

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

It's been awhile..

Hello all!

Omgosh, it's been awhile since I've posted anything.

Firstly, Yay Steffie!! A puppy eh? I wanna see pictures! Hahaha, have tons of fun planting trees! =)
*hugs* hope your skin condition gets better sweetie!

Bri!!! Ryan!! Lol! Such a small small world =) Looked like you had heaps of fun in NY ;) Bet you're on your way home now..oh how I envy you =( Anyhoo, make sure you spend your time back home wisely yea! (one more thing, WHY CHOPSTICKS AND A SHRIMP?!!)

BAB!!!! Someone's looking pretty smokin' I must say! Love the black sheath dress! You totally pulled it off ;) Ahh, Denise. Well, not to say that we weren't friends Friends..just you know, different classes, different groups of friends...bleh. Anyhoo, glad that you had Msian food in LA. We have some pretty good stuff here too!

Oh oh!!! Babes!!! Hehe..guess who flew up to Brisbane (again) to surprise me on our 2 year anniversary? ;) We're still going strong. (Thank you bab for the message!!)

Ah Chai, where's my char siew? =(

Neoh and David.....??? What're your plans for this winter? Update us people!

Much love,

I miss every one of you =(

Monday, 1 June 2009

michelle is back!

Hey people! i am back in san marcos! not msia which i hoped i was.. oh well..

Right after finals, jon and i went over to LA to my aunt's. He was there with me for about 5 days before leaving for msia! you guys back home met him yet? hahhaa.. that fella is buff now le!! stephy dont naughty naughty, bri.. you ar... erm... dont be too aggresive! hahaa.. as for you ken jon... glad to know you are back home! gosh i miss char keow teow too! but guess what? my aunt brought me to a place called lil msia and they sell msian food!! yum yum! although it wasnt as good, it was satisfying!!! i had like char keow teoy, laksa, prawn mee!! of course i didnt finish it all! we shared =) sharing is caring! ohh ohh you know bak chang? i have two bak chang in my refrigerator right now! hahah..

And stephy, me so proud of you!!! where are you fostering the puppy? wouldnt your cat be like intimidated by the puppy? make sure you take good care of it alright? shower it with all the love you can give!

bab-kat!! i met your friend.. erm.. school mate denise! you remember her?? haha apparently she is my brother's friend! what a small world! She brought us around in the orange county! it was pretty fun and she seems pretty nice! but i heard you guys werent really friends huh? tell me! and girls when are we going to have a conference? me iz missing all of you much..

and bri! welcome back to msia! gosh how nice it is to be back home! ohh you know what? i wont be home till like next year or so! my parents are coming over in december and it seems that we are going to Iowa (of all places =() to visit my brother and his campus! gosh this means i wont be seeing you guys almost 2 years!!! boohooo..

Thursday, 28 May 2009

dots dots dots scratch scratch scratch....

went to the skin specialist again 2 days ago! couldnt stand the agony.
apparently my last two jabs of steroid had side effects of putting on weight.THAT EXPLAINS WHY... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

anyway most prolly getting the puppy tomorrow.

havent gotten the chance to go out with these ppl: aida shireen kenjon. SIGHHHH


see you all SOON


it's me.
I left towson last week and am currently in NYC.
been going around and all.
My laptop is broken. Massively attacked by spyware, even killed my Mcafee:(
I'll be back next week!
Can't wait to meet up with ppl back home!
deeply missing the losers who went to australia:)!and those still in the US.

the love spreader,

Saturday, 23 May 2009


im gonna follow chelle's footsteps and foster a puppy next week! yay so excited
i will post up pics for you to see
my body got dots of eczema, so itchyyyyy its so frustrating
im taking evening primrose oil now, hopefully it'll help

anywya gues what, shireen juz called me yesterday. shes back!'
so i;ll be meeting up with her soon and she wants to see the famous boyfriend
haha, oh and i havent seen aida for ahwhle too so we;l meetup togther

hi ken jon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how logn will u be back?? im waiting for bri to come back to now and jon!
no la im not taking this sem! im free till i go to US.

however im going for a conservation camp june1-5th! go green camp! we will plant trees etc. hehehe
oh and renaldo will be free after next tues. im planning to take him to pd since he hasnt been there before.he's busy stuyding now as i blog. i miss him! i'll only be seeing him in the evening. we're gonna get groceries togetehr =)))

i cant wait till july comes! then i can finally hug kat, jovy, neoh and david!
take care people!


Wednesday, 20 May 2009

I wanna go home tooooo!!!!!

Ah Chai!

Ah ma hoh hoi sum lei fan ok kei chor! =)

Lol! 10 secs? Whoah, weather must be crazy back home. But oh well, better than the cold right?

Nyeh! Been raining NON-BLARDY-STOP for 2 days!!!! So it's all wet and gloomy and cold down here =(

Glad you're home!

Ngo yew sek char siew! FAI TIT!!!!!!

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Ken Jon is Home

I'm back in KL, and the char kuay teow has satisfied me... OH Sweet wonderful char kuay teow...

Yesterday wasn't so exciting though... I went to the char siew stall only to find it sold out.. AH.. the pain and the agony...... I will try again on friday!.

Malaysian weather is hot.... just HOT.... I counted the time it took me to sweat once I left the airport.. 10

Hot till can die wei!!!.

But it's good to be back!

Jon! let me know when you balik, bridget you also!.

Steff, are you still styudfying in HELP?

Ah ma, unfortunately, FEd Ex doesn't allow me to ship char siew.. I will try to contact DHL today...

That's all for now... till next time =)

Sunday, 17 May 2009


I miss all of you.
(except Jovy of course)

Poor Bri *hugs* I'm sure you'll celebrate soon ;)

Will update soon, in the middle of assignments, journals and presentations. Bleah.

Anyone up for a game of Halo at Jon's?


Thursday, 14 May 2009

My most depressing bday ever:(

Hey gals and guys!

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Well, you should have doubts about you having no doubts about me going out and painting the town red,lol:D

I have two exams tomorrow. It is now 4am in the morning and I'm pretty much camping out in the library, I hereby declare myself lifeless on my bday.haha.

I'm not partying, not drinking, not smoking whatsoever. I'm having sex with my lovely textbooks and laptop.

Well,I'm just going to post this shoutout:

I miss you guys so much, can't wait to see you guys again!

I haven't been updating much here in details cuz i suck at blogging(but that is no excuse i know, I apologize), but you guys can always just check my facebook profile like how I do to all of yrs:)

Alot of happenings remind me of u ppl, which makes me miss u guys even more!

Lots of love from the big apple,


And there goes another!!

Ah Tan!!!

Sang yatt fai lok!!!

Have a wonderfully memorable day babe *hugs*
I have no doubt that you'll go out, paint the town red and get absolutely smashed!! ;)

Love you my Vietnamese babe!!!

Thursday, 7 May 2009

humpty dumty fell downn..... again!

i fell down at main block and grazedmy knee! pain :((((
i was tryna kick renaldo hehee. then i fell. gahhh
but its okay, IM FINE

spoke to davido the kiddo online last week i think, quite emo hahahahhaha he was like," i bet you guys all forgot bout me"
im like.. huhhhh we're all apart.... you're not alone etc etc
neoh and david you guys rarely see eahc other huh apparently. go out with each other! =)

my nails are screaminggggggggg.... i need to go do it eitehr this week or next week.
tonight we're going to bukit bintang for dinner with renaldo's cousin who's down in malaysia for work, models..
pfttt* i wish i was skinny. nah just kidding haha, but i put on weight after exams ! now im 57kg. i gained 2 kg. quite alot in a few weeks, i know. dont worry i'll work on it! i think i grew taller, hehe yay.

spoke on the phone with bridget, loveloveeeee....
im fickle minded . helpppppppppppppp i duno which uni to go to. should i go to bridget, or chelle, or somewhere by myself?????

ps: ken jon really gotta do somehtign with your hair! haha


Wednesday, 6 May 2009

For Michelle =)

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Happy 20th!

Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday dear BAB,
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu!


Happy 20th Birthday, Babberdoodle =)

I know that you're pretty busy this week, so we won't kacau you. But this SATURDAY / SUNDAY, lets all have a conference call, gang. It's been too long.

Have a wonderful day my dear babe. I miss you very much.

Love from all of us!

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Update on CJYKJ

Hey... it's a nice saturday morning... I slept late last night and feels good to know that I have nothing to do today =)....

I've been doing fine here... three week course is a little hectic.. got homework to pass up everyday and erm the day we don't have to pass up homework we have a test... but... it's already half the semester, just another week and a half to go....

In two weeks time I'll be home walloping all the Malaysian delicacies.. hahahaha

I hope you guys are doing alright wherever you are....

Michelle, soon you won't be a teenager anymore..... you'll be a young adult.. haha... How leh?..

Ah ma, it was nice talking to you for a short time the other day... hope you'll don't miss COMPANY so much now.... just don't say you miss Jovy.... that's sooooooooooooo weird...

Steffie, I hope you're enjoying your hols... and tell renaldo I said congrats...

Bridget... You party animal... every week is a different party picture i see on facebook.. hahaha...
What are you doing over the summer?

Jon . .. I will see you back in Malaysia...

and for all the guys in Aussie..... Cheers Mate!

Thursday, 30 April 2009


i love you kat
wheeeee fun fun! anyway yeah my id for skype is steffie.cheese

so pls add me and kat tooo! yup!

ooh btw im blogging from my new laptop! heheh
oh great news my baby won president, Best man still wins after all

ps: oovoo for chelle's birthdayy?

Alllll byy myy selllffffff...

Dear gang,

In the absence of a certain Mr Jovy Low (sticky in Sydney with family), I am all by my lonesome until Sunday =(

Skype babes?

Add me! - kathrynsiew

Sigh.. oh well, at least I have 3 new books to read and Jovy left behind the wii! (though it isn't much fun playing alone) Sigh sigh..

Slowly going out of my mind.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

S to K

hi babe!
i woke up this morning and thought bout you!
when were younger and so funny.
you rock.

steffie eere for you, in fact waiting for when you're free!

pS: KEN since you're K too, you should cut your hair, i was shocked it grew so long! haha. when you come back to malaysia ,HAIRCUT! i heard its not very cheap to get a haircut in US, yea?


Monday, 27 April 2009

as freee as a bird!

hiiiiiiiiiiiiii all! i just finished watching man of the year a movie acted by robin williams. not bad, politics comedy related movie. just random!
anyhowwww, yeahhhhh check out the jovy candy! facebook! we found it in cold storage. yes jovy i'll bring some for you k
be good! its so funny how you get so excited bout it!

cant wait to see some of you guys soon! yayyyyyyyy


ps: i love food. hope all's well with everyone!

Sunday, 26 April 2009

A little update

Hey guys, KJ here. I'm back from Boston and back in Hiram... I just started my short semester, it'll only be three weeks and I'll be doing only one subject - linear algebra.

It's not as easy as you think Michelle, try solving multiple equations with multiple variables... it's so freaking tideous that if you mess up one part, you have to re do the whole thing and it takes up 3 pages to do one question...

Oh wells, such is the fate of mathematicians. I don't even know if I spelled that correct, but I guess that's why I'm a math major and not an english major.. haha.

Boston was I posted the pictures up on facebook. I visited Harvard, and Brandies university. Harvard is grand... that's all i can say about it.. it's just freaking grand.... Brandies on the other hand was founded by Albert Einstein when he came to US.

I did have a good time there, eating especially. I had chinese, mexican, thai, Malaysian.. Yes.. malaysian... and erm.. American.. hahaha.

I guess the highlight of my trip was the Malaysian food... me and my friends went to this Malaysian restaurant run by Malaysians... it's called Penang..

Being the happy eater that I am, I ordered fried rice, wan tan mee, roti canai( shared), cendol, and some kuih. All I can say is... I was a happier boy after that.. haha.

As I am to lazy to post the pics here, you can view the pictures on facebook.

Anyways, it's good to be back in Hiram, and it definitely feels good to be going home soon...

Oh! did I mention I accidentally washed my passport with my jacket? hahaha.....

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Love from Brisbane

Hey guys,
Great to see updates from you =) Hope all is well with everyone everywhere!
This'll be a short post cause Jovy's out footballing and I'm supposed to be doing my Sociology assignment =s
Jovy and I are pretty much good here, been pretty busy these past 2 weeks.

Babes!!!!!! Yes yes, as you pretty much know, Aaron flew up from Canberra last week and he left this Tuesday *sniffles* We had such an amazing 11days together as you can tell from the pics on Fb. Sigh.. Oh well, will be visiting him when I'm in Sydney this coming holiday =)

Bri, get off Fb! =) Hope you had some much needed sleep. And what is this about TATTOOS?!!!

Steffi, make sure you take care of yourself! Take your meds and moisturize! Ooh, all the best to Renaldo! I'm sure he won't have a problem winning the election =)

David! Nice pictures of your Easter camp. Looks like you had fun! Didn't Neoh join you? ;)

Ah Chai, am very happy (ohkay, a touch envious too) that you'll be heading home soon. Say hi to my daughter-in-law for me ;p Boston was fun, no?

BAB! A biiiiig hug for posting up pictures (finally)! Awwww, I wanna go too!!! You two sure had fun =) I miss you =(

Anyhoo, it was Dee May's 20th on Tuesday so we celebrated yesterday at her house. Man, I tell you, beer is such a serious thing here it ain't funny. Eeacck. Since it was potluck, I made my tuna potato salad (yes yes, Jovy helped cut the onions) and one girl from the party said that she wanted to marry me if I would make it for her *blush blush*

Blargh. Back to work. I'm beginning to procrastinate. This is not good =(

BIG BIG hug for all you people!

Friday, 24 April 2009

Just checking in for abit:)

Hey guys,
I don't have much time to type this.
But i'll' make it short and sweet.
Semester ending soon, so everything is due, being abit of a nerd but still rock climbing all the time,LoL.
I have the whole weekend planned ahead, baseball games and trips so I have to get my work done by at least tomorrow.
Having another test on monday:(
Well, I hope everyone is well. AH CHONG! I REALLY WANNA SEE YOU EAT AN ELEPHANT.
must be really attractive seeing you do that.
Anyways, i'll pop by again soon i hope.
Love u all.

best regards,
Bridgey-yr one and only<3

Thursday, 23 April 2009

im so sad i can eat a whole elephant

stats exam killed me!
i didnt have enough timeee..
i think i lefyt like two questions undone. i dont even know, eveyrhitng happened so abruptly
right after exam baby brought me to secret recipe. i just swallowed the cake... and now he cooked chickken pasta forme at home, i just swallowed it too. i tihnk i ate too fast... i couldnt even tatse anything. gosh dis is an absolute pathetic blog post.

anyhow i got one last paper tomorrow. im nto gonna sleep tonight. i dont wanna be as depressed as how i am right now . tomorrow i shall be able to cleebrate my freedom. till then i'll be a fat pig depressed and eating while studying for her next DEATH!
sorry guys im so negative right now. let me be
i'll be fine. just needed to rant

by the way, baby;s runnign for president of his department. he won but then the competitor was unsatisfied, i say kiasu. so he requested for a reelection cos he claims that some votes have been tampered or whatver. anhyhow, yeah so we'll see if my baby really wins this time.
eitehr ways he'll still get to be vice if he doesnt get president.
the lecturers adore him thats why he got elected for finals, but then now remains the voting of students. he's got tons of fans which he doesnt knwo of. his office deparment ppl told him some ppl even wrote on his posters "marry me" " i lvoe you etc"
and some of them took it down and kept it for themselves! cos got his pics, can you believe that.
oh well


Tuesday, 21 April 2009




and omggg bridget got two tattoooooossss.. its so cute!


Sunday, 19 April 2009

David's update

I have updated my blog
about my OCF easter camp
come check it out!
been busy lately so have not been online much..
Btw my weight is still the same... 62, 61 kg...

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

steffie's update

hi chelle! yeah i shoppped alot in cats whiskers. 70% is superbly a good deal! ive been spending too much of money too.! shopping etc :( gotta stop. we can do this chelle. self control!
kat, what happened to wanting to skype?
people , if you ahve skype add us. id: renaldo.paul
i wanna save money so i can shop loads in aussie, sales right suet jeann????

goodjob blogging yeow wen! hope you're keeping an eye of david =DDDDD

jovyy, red skinnies? show me pics!

hi briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii malaca again arrr?hmmmmmmmmmm
btw somehting wrong with my msn, sorry!

hi ken! hope you and her are coping well with long distance! keep it in prayer if you really want it, which's like duhhh..

ANYHOW, i got a stats quiz tomorrow! hypothesis testing. haha
and finals is next week. den im as free as a birdddddddddddd! yipppeee
cant wait, wanna do so many stuff :)i will blog more then!
oh and guess what i bought my laptop dy, white dell inspiron mini 12inch!
but im only getting it like next week. after my exams i hope. yuppp

speak later people.
*keeping all in prayers

ps: are you guys gainign weight overseas? i really wanna know! haha , tell yea.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

we are alive!

Hey girls and guys,

Jon and i are still very much alive here! so no worries =) we just had our spring break! i went over LA for a few days and went to six flags with jon and a few friends! have you guys heard of that place? gosh! we should all go there together!! seriously! it was so much fun! i am a scaredy cat but i took all the thriller rides ('thanks' to jon!) so jovy, you shall take it too!! i remember you are one too!! xD anyways did i mention i got back my camera? haha.. a girl returned it to me! wohoo!! i have uploaded some photos on facebook and thus i shall not do it here! malas la! and yea.. jon really really hardcore gym though! he kinda hurt his left arm but he is still insisting on going to the gym.. we actually just got back from the gym! i have been trying to keep up with jon doing some crossfit workouts! so far so good.. but my hands koyak! i got so so many blisters and it hurts so bad!!!!! i ordered my gym gloves online from nike and it will hopefully be arriving this wednesday! well.. i am taking gym pretty seriously.. my aim is to be able to do a full range pull up! so yea..

And girls!! i have been doing so much shopping here! i really gotta stop! (though jon is spending way more than i am) but yea.. one of my favourite place here is forever 21 mainly because the clothes are cheap and pretty! haha.. stephy trust me you will love the forever 21 here too! but i do shop in like other american shops like pacsum, nordstrom etc.. they have pretty clothes too! I think i have had enough shopping for this semester and should really stop! but the only thing i need to get now is sunnies! i saw a pair of pretty sunnies from g by guess! and my friend works there so i can get a pretty good discount from her =D wheeee.... and yes stephy.. i wanna shop at cat's whiskers too!!!!!!! i received an email saying that there was like a 70% discount on everything except new arrivals! i am sure you spurge! i mean i would too!

i guess that it is for now.. i need to go prepare dinner and take my bath.. will be watching good will hunting with my roomies tonight! ohhh ohh and before i go! just so you know.. most ppl (girls in general) here are crazy over twilight! haha.. gosh.. my roommate actually started reading the book after the movie and she made the other two watch it last monday xD

Hope you guys and girls are doing great! well.. all of you are missed and thought of very often! *huggies* I really cant wait for all of us to go for a trip again! it would be so much fun! take care

PS* hey how do i create a label??

Michelle *pouts* =D

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Update on CJYKJ

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Neoh Reporting In!

Hey people, I just found out how to make a post! xD Well don't gasp, I know all of you think that would be smart enough to do it but I've never blogged in my life before and therefore, this would be my first blog post! Anyway, just a little update on myself. I've joined a football team here in Adelaide and I've joined Fitness First here as well! So basically what I have been doing these days are classes, gym, football, cook (yes, I just realized I can cook!) and watch movies at home. I know it sounds boring and all but actually I'm enjoying the peaceful and laid back life in Adelaide though it might be due to not having a car here as well to travel around because the bus service ends at 12! Well, I hope all of you are doing well where ever you are and do take care, have fun and study well! Cheers!

Saturday, 4 April 2009


I have learned a very valuable lesson today.

You never really DO know someone.

Babes, I need a talk session. Skype when free!
Miss you all so much =(

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

A short one

Hello my loves,

I'm currently having my breakfast of lemon butter jam on toast and a glass of breakfast juice while Jovy's having his Nutella on toast and water =) We're gonna head out to class soon, so this post won't be that long.

Bridgey, first of all, a big HUGGGG for figuring out how to use the bloggy! Hehe.. glad to know that you had an awesome time during your break. Our Easter break's coming up soon!!! (Next Sat) And guess whatttttt girls!!! Aaron's coming up to spend the hols with me X) Ok ok, back to Bri. Changing majors?? Why?? Hmmm. more drinking but with more discipline? Hmmmm, I sure hope so! Make sure you're working the alcohol off then aite, rock climbing is good =) Now did I hear you say BOYS?! SPILLLLLL BRIIIII!!! Who what when where and HOW?! Yes yes, undies on and off ;)

Ah Chai! I WANT CHAR SIEW TOO!!! Fed-Ex to me please? =)
Hahaha, 4 weeks will pass by in a blink of an eye I can assure you that. Just keep yourself busy (as I'm sure that you will - 12 hours a week eh) and before you know it, you'll be back home and eating char siew with wy lyn.

Steffi, hope you're doing okay now *hugs*

Bab and Jon, totally MIA. UPDATE!

David and Neoh, hope you two are doing okay down south! =)

Well, that's about it. Jovy and I have been cooking alot and I'm quite proud to say that its pretty edible and yummy X) Short update : We won AUD30 each at the blackjack table 2 weeks ago. Hehehe..gambling is quite addictive ;) But no worries, we only do it once in 3 months. So I'm gonna go get me a new skirt!! We've been having quite a few drinking sessions (2 at last count) over at our place and we've discovered a new drink = VAT 69, whiskey + coke. Awesomeeeeee! And to end this short post, Jovy wanna buy a RED pair of SKINNIES. Please comment =)

Love ya'll, Kat.
Let's Skype!!!!

Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Wassup people...... Yeong Ken Jon is breathing a sigh of relieve right now.....

Just finish my research paper, YES!! Just one more project to go.. woot woot... Let this week come to an end fast fast....

Jovy, we all know that was you...

It snowed today and I don't like snow anymore... It sucks big time...

I just realise that when I go back to Malaysia I'm gonna feel hot till can die...

Living in negative weather and then weather in between 0-20 has been a custom. I don't wear a jacket when the temperature is 14 or 15.... that's warm.. 5-10 I wear a thin jacket, 0 I wear my arsenal jacket.. haha

Go back sure sweat kao man.....

So how's everybody? My semester is ending in two weeks, then I'm going to Boston for 5 days, then back to College for another 3 weeks.. Short sem. 1 course, 12 hours a week.. Then it's time to go home and eat Char Siew!!!!! WOOTTT

Sunday, 29 March 2009

huh ?

brigette ?
briget ?
bridgey ?
bridtorrent ?
lord of the bridgey ?
harry bridger ?
brinichles of brania ?
B for Brigetta ?
brididas ?
london bridge ?

I don't see the difference... =.=

This post is BY KAT ! or jon... whichever

Saturday, 28 March 2009

yes spell bridget's name properly!

all the best to all for our finals soon!!!!!!!!!

HUGS* kangaroo bounce bounce. cant wait!


Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Bridget is finally posting.=)

Firstly,my name is spelt BRIDGET not BRIDGETTE or whatever!lol.
Secondly, I did not blog because I had no idea how to use it until now.yes,i've never blogged my whole life,this is the first time,okay,laugh all you want guys.
Well,my spring break just ended and today i head back to class.=( depressing!
I was at south carolina for the whole week and then went to stay with my american friend at the country side at hudson,MD.
Well, details of my spring break, i'll upload the pictures soon when i compile them from everyone. I did not take pictures with my own camera cuz i think its freaking broken.
Well, yes,i've been drinking here,way more then malaysia,but i have the virtue of self control so its all good.
Oh my goodness!boys....hahaha..i'll talk 2 u babes laters aite?=)
what else.hmm...i think i'm changing majors tho..long story but yes i'll explain it soon!
i'll most prolly be going back for summer but i won't be going back after that for a long time.
I'm moving to an apartment next semester, and i'm the only asian.sigh...honestly,a malaysian club does not even exist here. Currently, only 5 malaysian in my uni and 3 are in their last semester so only two left out of 5000000 million ppl.hahahaha..sad case right?
Oh ya,i'm so addicted to rock climbing, my new love,am doing it like 4 times a week?lol.american food is way too greasy...i've been eating like a cow.bad bad.
Well,i miss u guys so much,thanks to facebook i'm still keeping in touch with u guys.MICHELLE is seriously MIA. where have u been?
and STEPH, WHY got encezma.i think its hERPES!!!!! well soon!with or without enczema u're ugly anyways, when have u ever been pretty?=)
KAT!'s yr undies going?keep it on and off aite?haha!
MICHELLE!the last time i spoke to you on the phone!!!!!gosh!!!!!!!
THE BOYS!!!!big hug for u guys!!!!will gossip soon!!

this is my 50million word essay with no citation!



Monday, 23 March 2009

HUGS all

thankyou kat and jovy for calling me last night to check on me. i was moved... =)
i went to the skin speiclaist today. he jab my bum bum. ouch. heh. but its okay,'d do anything to get well... and i have lotsa medication to take everyday.

he said i have chronic eczema. and the cause is due to stress. sighh , so everyone's psychng me up asking me to not stress myself out too much etc.. i guess its true ive been worrying and stressing alot in my studies. i had good rewards(parents went for parents lecturer day in coll) good report,howevevr gettign serious eczema due to my hardwork was deifnitely not what i expected :((((

thanks ken jon, your comment is right..
im very touched and encourgae by my family and friends....

i didint wanna go out or see anyone cos im really depressed and all, but the doctor told me if i continue being so beaten up and sad, it would only make me weaker to fight the eczema. he told me to be happy and i will still be pretty lol
and so i decided to come out and finally meet my baby, he was sad cos i didnt wana see him and all. but after thinking bout it, i guess he's right. he doesnt mind how i look and all. he likes me alot for me.... and so now im with him :)

im finally outta the house again. taking one step at a time....

updates from jon + mich

Hey guys,

Gosh havent seen you guys for like three months now how is everyone? Jon and i are doing pretty good here! been going to places and all! and guys guess what happened? i lost my coat and camera in the club! haha.. it was my first time in a club and i lost something! The funniest thing is i didnt even know we were going to one. It was an event held by our uni called Spring Fling! so yea.. when i walked in i was so over-whelmed with everything there! seriously! i see boys grinding girls etc.. it was scary! i mean it is my first time to a club and all i see is that! jon says malaysia's is milder! and guess what? alcohol was not even present! ohh.. have i told you guys? legal drinking age in the states is 21 so basically it is illegal for me to drink here and yes.. i have not been drinking.. i know of a lot of friends who drinks (underage) just that i dont want to participate la.. i am a good girl =) and regarding jon, you guys know him! he abstains from drinking! he is a good influence! i mean if he wasnt here with me.. i might get influenced and feel obliged to drink when i am out with them! so thank god i have him! and yea.. both of us have been shopping quite a bit too! haha.. i spent more than 500usd this month on shopping! gosh i know i need to stop! trying! but i am still not as bad as jon! he spends on clothes and magic! magic is expensive! but it is worth it cause he really has a passion for it! i have a friend here who even wants him to perform during open mic! open mic is held once a month in the dorms for poeple to express themselves either poetry, singing, dancing etc it is pretty cool! ohh ohhh.. have i told you guys there was a casino night in my dormitory last thursday? haha it was healthy gambling =D no real money involved.. but yea it was really fun! we had blackjack, poker tournament, pool, more card games and best of all is ice cream/smoothies! it was a yummilicious night i would say.. i had like 3 bowls of ice cream! no worries guys, i can afford eating ice cream here i do workout with jon! though my workout is milder than his.. and regarding photos, i was thinking of posting all the photos during my spring break! but yea.. i lost my camera with all the photos inside =( sighs...
oh well.. basically things has been going well for both of us here la.. ohhh ohhh.. guys i dont think i have told you this!!! I got the offer to become the resident advisor at the dormitory starting next semester! I am the first asian international student to ever get this offer! see! me make msia proud! just a lil bit.. well at least now they might remember malaysia a lil better! most of them dont know where msia is and my roomies think that we stay on trees! hahaa.. so yea.. some of them have heard of it from zoolander though!! funny huh? well.. americans are pretty ignorant to the people or rather things outside their country. to them they are the best i guess.. but yea back to the offer, i have accepted the offer and i know that it will take up a lot of time.. but i guess it will really develop my social skills other skills etc it is a job that is pretty demanding so i hope i survive!! wish me luck!!

For stephy,
gosh stephy... *hugs tightly* che che misses and loves you.. stay strong aite! i am sure you will recover soon! i had eczema problems too! it will heal but it takes time.. so in the mean time, try to stay strong! love you

for kat,
kat i miss you! hope you are doing great in aussie! again, be careful of jovy ok?

for jovy,
dont bug kat! you mean ass!

for bri,
gosh.. i havent heard from you since like forever! gotta catch up soon ok? dont drink too much!

for the rest,
hope you guys are doing great whereever you are too!

anyways i gotta go sleep now! got early class tomorrow! hope to hear from all soon =)

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Smile, Steffi =)

*hugs tightly*

Just smile, beautiful. It'll all be okay =)

Love you!

steffie's update

good news or bad news first?

im going to aussssiiieeeee to visit YOU! yeow wen kat jovy david etc etc
july 1st till14th perth, adelaide,sydney,melbourne,then brisbane. renaldo and i,we're really excited bout this. we'll be visiting his relatives, lots of our friends there.
oh and jovy's post made me laugh :)

i wish i was a doctor. i wish i was like my cat potato. i wish no one looks at me, it.
its sunday, im home alont because im ill. eveyrone's gone to church but i cant go out. i dont wanna go out and im not allowed to go out. okay now for the emotional bit, i have this skin condition thats come back,eczema i think.
had it when i was small like 9years old? its really bad and NO i wont show you guys pictures of it. its affecting me quite alot. i dont wanna leave the house because im afraid of people staring at my skin. everytime i go out,i feel inferior like people are looking at me as if im a monster. i cry eveyrday , I KNOW you guys are gonna tell me not to dwell etc. but you know im really TRYING to be strong. its really ugly. just writing bout this now is making me cry again..
im going to the skin specialist tomorrow. i really really pray and hope that i'll be well ASAP!
i cant take this anymore. and the worst part is that its even on my face now. it started at my leg, then hands then now face, body got a bit. its constantly oozing liquid, some are extra dry, it hurts . and always itchy! (i duno, dun ask me)
I wish i was a doctor... :(
Im so ugly now.
this is so suffering...i feel so conscious bout it,everyone's probably disgusted and all..
i cant live a normal life... im stuck at home...cant eat all my favorite food..
sometimes i wonder why do i have this problem.
i'm the only one in my family to have skin problem... it cant be inheritable then. something went wrong in one of my genes. oh well...

im sorry chelle i havent replied ur email. and yeowen and kat i promised to blog bout this, so here you go..

my family and boyfriend have been very supportive though, like whenevr i cry or feel really inferior tehy would pray for me or encourage me.
i dont wanna go out. i dont want anyone to see me like this. i dotn even wanna look into the mirror. my self esteem droppped down to ... i dont even know where it went now.
and every morning i wake up my eyes will be swollen cos i have some on my eyelids thus affecting my eyes. i think the water went into my eyes. its inevitable. i dont know what to do *tears...
okay i shall stop it now.i dunno where this post is going... so i'l just stop.

Saturday, 21 March 2009


Wah... kena zhat kao kao... lol.. kena own like mad.... haha

Anyways, here's a little update on me...

I've been doing alot of thinking recently about whether I should change Uni...

And I think I've come to a final decision... I won't.

Basically I'll be the last to graduate amongst all of us =). It was a hard choice to make and you guys definitely played a role.

I thought... Hmm... Kathryn and Jovy gonna graduate in two years... Michelle also... Jon one semester after them... I thought.. hmm if I graduate... I'll be a semester behind jon and a year behind you guys.. but then again, I guess I'm not too worried about it now.

I was suppose to transfer to Arkansas but now I think I'll stay here. I'll be doing a Double Major here.. hehe.
Mathematics and Religion.. Call me crazy but.. haha.. yea... Might even do a minor in Psych seeing that I already have two psych subjects from Help and I just need four more to get a minor.

So When I graduate I'll have two degree's and a minor.. which is pretty sweet.. hehe.

Days like this you love the American System.. haha.

Anyways.. here's some pictures of my trip to Arkansas... I had tom yam and chinese buffet.. hahaha

Oyster with some chicken and butter prawn.

Good old Longan

Tom Yam soup.

Flowers.... something that I have not seen for a while now..

Friday, 20 March 2009


I hate Jovy. There isn't enough words in the dictionary to describe the hate I feel for him.

But that is neither new nor here nor there.

People, UPDATE!... please? =)

Love ya'll!!
The very UN-mummy like Kat.

Rock and Rolla

No you guys do not fit into that category up there...
As I come online this very night and i open our blog, expecting, hoping to lay my eyes on something new that guys did or something... even your toilet or latest bruise would do fine...

BUT NO i dont... kat's crying... i'm heartboken...

my heart aches. no. it burns in the flames of a thousand suns. it hurts so much that nothing can fix it now. hell no michelle. dont you dare pout. cause if u do not only will my heart burn anew, but my eyes too.

such disappointments cannot be concealed for i believe that i have to let all these out to avoid being a person of hate. so i sit here typing this unfortunate post, hoping in all hopes that one of you would heed my call of distress for I, JOVY... is a damsel in distress/rock and rolla... (great show by the way go watch it)

oh distress...

by the way... kat is getting more mum-like... =/...
*whispers*someone save me pls... im scared... im hiding under my blanket of steel right now with my pillows in my ears... she's shouting... i swear she's mad... she stomps around so much i cant make fat jokes anymore... help help help help... i beg thee... her earthshattering snore. her invigorating jiggle. her intense odour... i dont think i can take it anymore... if there is a hell on earth... im not in it... im not with it... it is within her... and this is not anywhere which my fragile little innocent thoughts would want to go to... i fear her...


Monday, 9 March 2009

Listen to the SONG!


Listen to the song that I posted! Strokin' by Clement Carter. Especially you, BRI!

Loves, Kat.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

The Watchmen.

Hey guys,

Sorry David, that was meee =p

Lol, exam in an hour and still you have time to blog? That is just awesome, my son.'s it go?

This is a pretty short update, Jovy and I will be heading out soon. The Malaysian Society is having a welcome BBQ party in uni. Yay! Free fooooooodddd!

Anyhoo, guess what guys! We watched The Watchmen last night with Alexa, Dee and Desmond. Oh gosh, super bloody long movie! 2hrs 40mins. It was all JOVY'S idea to watch that show. He corrupted us !!! There were such grusomely gory fight scenes and lotsa uncensored erm..*ah-hem*. Siiighhhhh...typical Frank Miller. Guys, I think that you'll enjoy the show, girls, don't even bother. The plot is oookay laa, too much talking and there's a hint of The Spirit in it. So be prepared if you're planning to watch it. The cinema here is HUUGEEEE. Looks like a lecture theatre, but bigger. And it's so blardy cold! Brrrr..

Yup, that was our short update.
Miss ya'll lots!
Much love, Kat.

Thursday, 5 March 2009


Sup guys.... It's been a busy week for me, and it hasn't stopped yet.. erm... Having a test in an hour's time.. haha.. and another test tomorrow...
I'll be having spring break next week so I'll be very very free to chillax.. hahaha.
erm, I might be switching Uni's as Hiram College wants me to stay for a long long time to graduate.. Going to visit another Uni over spring break...

I'm doing fine I guess... just missing home. Weather is getting warm this week, no more freezing cold weather.. Michelle! Jon! how can you complain about San Marcos weather.... swt....
I'll post pictures up soon... it's been too cold to go out and take pictures... hehe... tak boleh tahan..
But here's a few pictures I took from the whole time I've been here

visit my blog

Guys i have been updating.
i won't always use this blog to update
you want to see my updates please go to my blog
the link is at the left side, my name is there
by david

leave name

guys plz leave your name behind when you post
so that we know who is saying what.
by david



Eyeer! Omg thats so disgusting!!!!!! How can you live with snakes?!!!!!! =O

Snakes in my house

Hello David here,
lazy to here are the snakes in my apartment
for more info visit my blog.
btw, there are 6 snakes in the house
the big snake is only temporary,
my house mate holding for his friend for few days.
pictures are not arrange..

Just when i was writing this blog, my house mate called me to check out the snake shedding its skin.
snake bit me, the big one
quite shocked la, but no worries, no panic
it felt more like a smack rather than a bite.

This one bit me

House mate

yea this snake bit me lol
It was nice before..
bad mood maybe?

Escaped on the day i shifted in

Stroking! ;)

Hey guys,

Firstly, it was Jovy's idea about the sand thingy. Yes yes, he is a god *rolls eyes*

Bab! PICTURES! I'm hyperventilating with the urge to see pictures! Lol. Upload quickerdoodles!

Awwww Stephy! *huggies* Hope the bum bum is okie dokie. Be more careful next time, aite. Glad to know that you are learning to survive =) And yes! I got the email from Cat's Whiskers too =( SNIFFFFF!!! Do think of me when you shop kay.. *emo*

Bri!! Eyh, what is all this partying about and you cutting your own hair?! I need updates on you! Make sure you're studying kay. And uuuggh...the dork glasses... bleh.

David and Neoh! UPDATE on what's going on in Adelaide! It's like you two have completely cut yourself from the world and eloped or something.

Ah chai! Thanks again for the call (Bab too!) It was really nice of you =) How is everything so far?

Update on us : We're almost at the end of our first week of classes. It going okay. The stick and I both have Friday free, so its a long weekend for us! Yay yay X) We have so far managed to cook maggie mee goreng, indo mee goreng (both the gorenged by Jovy), fried rice and kangkung belachan. It's been a pretty busy week..classes in the morning and afternoons while I've got volleyball and dancing, Jovy's got his football and Ultimate Frisbee in the evenings. We will also be going for a movie tomorrow evening with Sara, Alexa, Dee and Desmond (our new friend). Gonna watch the Watchman/men? We're having an awesome time here guys, hope its the same for the rest of you =)

OH OH OH!!!!!!

2 weeks ago, while on the way home, we heard this song on the radio. You guys MUST check it out. Listen to the lyrics. Enjoy!

The Australian radio station is a wonderful thing ;)

Much love, Kat.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

shopping :( i misssyouugirls! x

ps: i fell on my bum yesterday. 4 stairs! i think
gosh it hurts. i was like stunned for a moment on the floor. renaldo quickly picked me up and placed me on the couch. it was scary. thank God he was there. i almost cried.. :(
anyway im not gonna dwell in self pity! im fine now! thank God nothing bad happen to my bones or bruised or whatever.

dont trip like me! its not fun.
one step at a time. hehee


Monday, 2 March 2009

I love the sand picture, thanks katy

HEy people,

Jon and i are doing great here and we do not just study! Hahaha.. But me iz lazy to take and upload photographs! Kat or david or bri used to be the ones who does it! gosh i miss you guys =( but yea... we have been exploring CA bit by bit! and gosh do you know that jon has been shopping a lot lately! He buys more stuff than i do =( he is such a princess! Anyways since picture speaks a thousand words, i shall upload some on facebook soon! be patient my dear friends!

PS* missing all of you


Sunday, 1 March 2009



everything's alright back home! college and life isnt the same without you guys, but im coping well now. Occasionally still quite mengada with my baby always saying "i miss my friends :( "
No worries. my baby's taking good care of me! He's been training me!so that when i go overseas i'll survive. today he thought me to sew! and i learnt how to cook rice, eggs etc

michelle,jon, jovy kathryn, kenjon, neoh , david and Bridget please take care and i misssyouuuu :)

kat and jovy having lotsa fun huh! please dont neglect your health though, both of you are looking like skinny africans suffering in poverty! heheee.
mich and jon, i know you guys definitely study hard, but please learn from kat and jovy! go out and play in the sun! SHOW US PICTURES!
neoh please jaga david, he's a kid!
ken jon, you seem to be doing great there. dont forget to pray lots and lots :) Im sure she misses you. i have faith that you both will stand the test of time.
BRIDGET! im so worried bout youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....! SPILLL!

guys..... FOCUS alright.

love always,

ps: imisshalo. although i suck at it.


Friday, 27 February 2009


*insert evil laugh*

Hey guys! Sorry we've been MIA for awhile. Trust us, it's been so darn frustrating without internet =( Anyway, Jovy and I have been up to tons of stuff these past 3 weeks. I shall post up pictures of our home very soon.

Son, I'm glad that you're doing fine. How's the transfer coming along?

Stephy!! *hug hug* All is going well here. Classes start next week. It's now Orientation Week and Jovy and I have been doing alot of things. We've been cooking alot, cleaning the place ALOT and doing a few sports. How is everything back home?

Bab!! I miss you =( The stick has been kacauing me all day and night. Hope Jon isn't as bad. Sigh. Glad to know that you've been cooking. Hahaha, how did the salad taste like? Next time you cook, make sure we ber-skype while doing it.

Bri, no news from you!! Update!!!

Btw, Jovy and I have finished watching Zoolander, 300, Austin Powers 1 2 and 3 and an entire season of How I Met Your Mother (going into season 2 now).

Yes, life without internet is quite...interesting. Anyway, we gotta do the laundry now. Miss ya'll lots and UPDATE!


Sunday, 22 February 2009


I had a test yesterday... and the following was one of the questions.. Look at the 4th line from the top...

Keng right my lecturer?...

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Add chat box

Can someone add a chat box at the side
i can't remember how i did mine =p
btw my blog has been updated.
please visit ya.
posted by David Hie

misses =)

hey babs + stick, neoh and davido,

Jon and i are doing pretty fine here! Jon is a changed man here! he is like studying most of the time and he actually plans his work! amazing?? you wouldnt believe your eyes! i am serious! hahah... There are basically three things he does frequently here! one is study, go to the gym (he wants to have rain's body) and pray =)

As for me, I am still the same! But i do not pout that often anymore! Pouting is only when you guys are around! me is missing all of you!!! The weather here is really nice! though sometimes it can get pretty cold (windy times). Oh oh babs!! i started cooking! i tried making tuna potato salad that day!! it was edible and nobody 'lau sai'! but i still prefer yours! can you give me the recipe pretty please! pretty please with cherry.. no wait you dont like cherries.. with strawberries and whippedcream on top! me lob you =D but yea.. i cooked rice and some dishes toooo! dont worry i didnt burnt down kitchen or anything! doing pretty alright la basically!

Well that is it for now.. thank you bab and stick for creating this blog! hope to hear from all of you soon!! *hugs tightly* take care aite!

PS* watching american idol now! I support DANNY GOKEY!! Please support him too! he has such an adorable smile *screams*



What a name for a blog... And yet... There couldn't be any better name.... I guess Jovy and Kat spent lots of time coming up with this name.. haha...

Well, a quick update on me... First of all...

I'm in Ohio.... Not Maryland.... My Goodness, Steph and bridget asked me how Maryland was? WHAT?... Nobody is in freaking Maryland... I'm in OHIO.... and no,.... It's not near Hawaii... It's below Canada next to Michigan.

Secondly, I'm doing fine. I'm not doing very well, I'm not doing badly, I'm doing fine.

Thirdly, I might be transffering out of here since they want me to stay 3 and a half years before I can get my degree.. which is like.. What the heck...

Fourthly, it's half way through the semester... I can't believe I survived almost two months here. WOW!.

Lastly, I miss you guys!.

Have a good weekend ahead people.


Ken Jon

the first ever post ever... 19/02/09

Jovy is awesome