Saturday, 23 May 2009


im gonna follow chelle's footsteps and foster a puppy next week! yay so excited
i will post up pics for you to see
my body got dots of eczema, so itchyyyyy its so frustrating
im taking evening primrose oil now, hopefully it'll help

anywya gues what, shireen juz called me yesterday. shes back!'
so i;ll be meeting up with her soon and she wants to see the famous boyfriend
haha, oh and i havent seen aida for ahwhle too so we;l meetup togther

hi ken jon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how logn will u be back?? im waiting for bri to come back to now and jon!
no la im not taking this sem! im free till i go to US.

however im going for a conservation camp june1-5th! go green camp! we will plant trees etc. hehehe
oh and renaldo will be free after next tues. im planning to take him to pd since he hasnt been there before.he's busy stuyding now as i blog. i miss him! i'll only be seeing him in the evening. we're gonna get groceries togetehr =)))

i cant wait till july comes! then i can finally hug kat, jovy, neoh and david!
take care people!


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